My boys start school September 8th, so this is the week for back-to-school preparations. Orientations, making sure all school supplies are present and accounted for, sorting out clothes, buying new socks and such. I've already misplaced a box of "fat" markers and a box of fine lines. And we still need to get a pencil sharpener for my 7th grader, but other than that, I think we're good.
I bought a few extra boxes of crayons and a multipack of glue sticks. I have a basket where I store pencils, crayons, markers, scissors and glue so that when the kids come home with assignments, but forget the "art supplies", they have no excuse for not completing their homework.
The other thing I'm doing this week is checking the fit of their light jackets and winter coats. Once I know which ones we're keeping, I'm washing them and hanging them on child specific hooks in our stairwell. I live in the upper Midwest, one never knows when it'll snow. Next on the list is hats, mittens and boots. Ugh.